When most people think of a gym, they usually picture a room filled with heavy barbells, a range of dumbbells, and maybe a variety of machines. But, one iron jewel has been dug out of the past and has ... Continue Reading
Back to Basics: How to Perform the Kettlebell Swing
The kettlebell swing is a fundamental skill that is great for beginner to advanced athletes. It has almost magical properties, in that it increases strength in many domains. Part of this “what the hell ... Continue Reading
The 10 Commandments of the Kettlebell Swing
If you are an 80’s kid or older, you are familiar with The Karate Kid. It’s one of those movies you come across while flipping through the channels on a Sunday afternoon and just have to stop and watch ... Continue Reading
The Kettlebell Swing Isn’t Everything (But This Workout Is)
I normally hate those "what exercise would you do if you were stranded on a desert island" type questions. I don’t like being pushed to use just a single tool. My gym has many fun toys that all serve a ... Continue Reading
Training Kettlebells: Why You Shouldn’t Be Scared
Learning kettlebells is no easy task. When I heard about this method of training over a decade ago, I was turned on by the notion of swinging giant orbs of iron. But at the same time, I was intimidated at ... Continue Reading
The What the Hell Effect: How the Swing Improves Everything
In the Hardstyle kettlebell community, people talk about the “What the Hell Effect.” The phrase is typically uttered after someone uses only kettlebells for a period of time and then finds great increases ... Continue Reading