Everyone loves a champion. We stare at their pictures, watch their interviews, and watch them training, running, and hitting pads. We dream about accomplishing what they have, and for some people, there is ... Continue Reading
The Real Reason Your Hard Work Isn’t Paying Off
There is a woman who has been coming to my HIIT exercise classes for over three years. Self-admittedly, she hates it. She is in her fifties and, also by her own acknowledgement, could stand to lose some ... Continue Reading
Your Mental State vs. Your Success
Editor's Picks of the Week Exercise is a healthy thing. But sometimes our approach to exercise is not. Our mental state when we walk into the gym, dojo, or studio can do more damage than junk food ever ... Continue Reading
Removing Thought From Exercise: How to Stop the Resistance
Humans are capable of great feats of strength when in danger. Whether myth or truth, everyone has heard the stories where mothers lift cars or perform other miracles that save children from harm. Most ... Continue Reading
The 6 Steps to Building Mental Toughness
What is it that makes some able to grit their teeth and hammer through the final painful moments of a session but sees others crumble and fail? The expression, “It’s not about the size of the dog in the ... Continue Reading
Being Present: How to Give Yourself the Best Present Ever
One of the many gifts BJJ has given me is the capacity to be completely and utterly present. When I’m training, whether preparing for class, troubleshooting and drilling with teammates, taking in ... Continue Reading
The SMMF: Mental Training – Gym Jones Style
When it comes to developing the kind of go-all-day endurance that I am usually after, you begin to realize one thing - it’s all in your head. The magnitude of suffering that is overcome on the way to the ... Continue Reading
Clenching the Left Hand Prevents Athletes from Choking Under Pressure
When the game is on the line and it has come down to the wire, the last thing anyone wants is a “choke artist.” A choke artist is someone who does not perform well under pressure, although he or she may do ... Continue Reading