Day 28 of 100 Rest Tomorrow's the day you for your max lifts so, make sure you give yourself this rest day. You can keep watching other people lift, though, like CrossFit Games athlete, Lindsay ... Continue Reading
Search Results for: how to watch
Get Up and Move
Free time is such a valuable commodity in our busy lives. We all have those downtime activities we look forward to watching TV, spending time with our families, reading books, doing puzzles. Multiple ... Continue Reading
The Bold Spirit Physical Education System
Physical literacy and health are the most important subjects of any person’s development. They are intimately linked to our intellectual and personal growth. Overwhelming evidence indicates that with more ... Continue Reading
The Teenager’s Guide to Building Muscle
Being a teenager is tough. Parents forget how stressful the teen years can be, with social pressures, hectic schedules, and ever-increasing standards to live up to. Sometimes, it doesn’t leave a lot of ... Continue Reading
How Split Cleans and Snatches Strengthen Your ACL
It’s not uncommon to view exercise protocols through the same lens we view the persistent march forward of technology. Yesterday’s groundbreaking event is today’s antique. What must be kept in mind, ... Continue Reading
Why It’s Not All About the Weight You Are Lifting
Speed of movement, of both the lift and the lifter, is a critical factor in the performances of the snatch and clean and jerk. It is also, along with rhythm and dynamics, an important index for determining ... Continue Reading
Get Your Motivation Motor Started
We’ve all been there. We are on a training streak and everything is running like a well-oiled machine. Our program is perfect, out workouts are flawless, and we have the momentum like a freight train. ... Continue Reading
The Stoopid Tax: a Fitness Industry Honey Trap
Ladies and gentlemen! Gather 'round and hear the mysteries of the secret Orient! Formulated by the light of the full moon on frozen slopes of the Himalayas and infused with the blood of a Buddhist holy ... Continue Reading
Subversive Fitness: Day 94 of 360
Day 94 of 360 Skill work/ proficiency test/ 10RM measurement: Mace 360 Address the set-up and mechanics, practice short sets at skill work weights, and increase as position and execution ... Continue Reading
A Head-to-Toe Approach to Back Tension
If you’re struggling with tension or pain in your back, it’s more than a nuisance. It affects your quality of movement from the ground up. Your back—specifically your spine—is literally the axis you ... Continue Reading
What Is CrossFit to You?
“I hate competing. It gets in the way of my training.” -My wife, the most wonderful woman in the world For a long time, I thought she was being funny or ironic when she said this. For me, the whole ... Continue Reading
Eccentric Strength to Fight the Aging Process
Every effective program—those for high-level athletes, the average Joe, or those getting on in years—will include at least a partial focus on eccentric loading. The eccentric portion of a movement is the ... Continue Reading
Is Your Cell Phone Ruining Your Workout?
Gym etiquette is clear: Get off your cell phone, dingus. For most of us, the gym is the place where we can get away from work, and disconnect from our phones. Leave them in the locker room is the best way ... Continue Reading
The Mom’s Guide to Buying a Jogging Stroller
Buying a safe, high-quality jogging stroller is one of the best investments you will make in your postnatal health. Traditional baby strollers are not built to withstand long walks or jogging on irregular ... Continue Reading
Change Your Thoughts to Crush Your Goals
If all an education did was teach strong values and create a growth mindset, then our children would accomplish more and create greater contributions than any society in history. Instead, we coddle them ... Continue Reading
Training For Two: The Cardiovascular Effects of Pregnancy
Thanks to some promising research over the last few decades, more and more fitness professionals and women are aware of the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. From reduced risk of diabetes and ... Continue Reading
The Overtraining Myth
We’ve been told that overtraining isn't good for us, but what does it really look like? Ultra-marathoners may run upwards of 20-30 miles every week as part of a “light” maintenance phase of their training. ... Continue Reading
Four Mental Strategies for Fitness Success
(Source: Bev Childress) Investing in a new program or online training subscription? Before you spend all your hard-earned cash, make sure you have the right mental approach to ensure that you will ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 2/3, Week 5
Day 2 of 3: Week 5 A: 5 Rounds For Time: 20 Burpees 20 Russian Kettlebell Swings B: 3 Rounds For Time: Day 2 of 3: Week 5 A: 5 Rounds For ... Continue Reading
Don’t Pack Away the Bike Trainer Yet
As I write this article, the sun is shining, early season races are starting, and it is all too tempting to pack away the training equipment for another year and step out on the bike. But wait! ... Continue Reading
Subversive Fitness: Day 71 of 360
Day 71 of 360 Bench press: 3 x 5 (up to) 80% of 2RM 2 x 10 @ 50% Rest as needed between sets. If sets require interruption, make as minor an adjustment as needed and complete the next ... Continue Reading
An Unbiased Argument for Flexible Dieting
If you go back and take a short look at the way people were dieting 5-10 years ago, you would witness a horrible scene of well-meaning individuals putting themselves through extreme levels of restriction ... Continue Reading
Subversive Fitness: Day 65 of 360
Dy 65 of 360 Kettlebell “Short swing“*: 2 x 20 @ 88lb. W, 106lb. M (or scaled as needed to 75% of 5RM) 2 x 20 @ 70lb W, 88lb. M (or 2 intervals down from above) 1 x 20 @ 55lb. W, 70lb. M (or 2 ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 3/3, Week 3
Day 2 of 3: Week 3 A1: 3 Rounds 1 Minute of Superman 1 Minute of Flying Lunges 1 Minute of Rest B: Tabata Mash Up Sit Up Kettlebell Swings Sit Up Kettlebell Swings 8 rounds of ... Continue Reading