It’s the old familiar story. You know you should do the thing—eating real food, getting to the gym, mobility work, and yet you fall back into old habits, giving it a miss. Again. You tell yourself you just ... Continue Reading
5 Workout Mistakes Only Men Make
You’ve been training hard and eating clean for some time. You have a thirst for knowledge and absorb every bit of information you can find. But look back to a year ago, do you truly see a difference in how ... Continue Reading
Moving Mountains From Within
The word ‘motivation’ originates from the Latin word ‘movere’—meaning “to move.” Motivation itself is, broadly, a force that activates or arouses a person into pursuing goal-directed efforts. I ... Continue Reading
Finding Your Flow: Challenging Bodyweight Orthodoxy
Flow. An elusive idea, one that evokes images of people lost in a moment, completely immersed in the task at hand. Time falls away, the world disappears, and there is only you and the activity. ... Continue Reading
Bounce Back from Injury Mentally and Physically
If the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result, then there’s a whole lot of crazy going on out there in sport and the health and fitness industry. If ... Continue Reading
Not Everything Needs to Be a PR
Allow me to break the fourth wall for a moment, and take you inside what it means to be a coach and a writer. When I first started writing, I thought it was my job to take the thoughts that were inside my ... Continue Reading
It’s the Season to Change Your Life
Photo by Bev Childress Photo by Bev Childress For a majority of the nation, 2018 brings goals of self-improvement. Whether that means getting a promotion at work or quitting your current day ... Continue Reading
Remove “Deserve” From Your Fitness Vocabulary
Good angel on one shoulder, bad angel on the other. One little voice whispers to you that you can do something, the other that you can’t. One insists that you want something, but the other reminds you that ... Continue Reading
When It Comes to Fitness Start with the Right Questions
According to Google, the most commonly sought topics for health and fitness last year included Tabata workouts, burpees, the “Murph” CrossFit routine, and even the “Tom Brady” diet. While these searches ... Continue Reading
Looking Back on 2017 and Planning for 2018
The first instance of January 1 being celebrated as the first day of a new year goes back to the time of Julius Caesar, in 45 BC. Prior to that time, the Romans had used a lunar calendar. The first day of ... Continue Reading
You Don’t Need Motivation, You Need Discipline
Motivation is a tricky subject. People are motivated by different things—money, good grades, material objects, and adoration from peers. Motivational images, videos, and quotes are put on social media ... Continue Reading
From Fat Kid to Fitness Competitor
On October 8th, 2016, I competed in my first physique fitness show. A physique show, for those of you who are unfamiliar, is a bodybuilding-type event where you are judged on stage (in either board shorts ... Continue Reading
You’ve Been Competitive, Now Try Training for Life
As a competitor, coming off of competition comes with a mix of emotions. It could be regret for not competing or preparing as well as you could have, it could be pride for performing well, it could be ... Continue Reading
Embrace Your Discomfort to Reveal Transformation
Source: Erica Robinson Source: Erica Robinson Ask yourself: do I want to stay the same, or do I want to be different? I have no doubt that the universal answer is that we want to be ... Continue Reading
Your Personal Definition of Fitness
Source: Bev Childress One of the more useful conversations sparked by the rise of CrossFit is the very definition of fitness. For better or worse, CrossFit has planted their flag on quantifiable work ... Continue Reading
How We Learn
Have you ever noticed when you learn a new exercise, it’s hard? Not just a little bit hard, but a lot hard. It’s awkward, requires a lot of effort, and generally feels like it’s never going to get ... Continue Reading
Motivation: Worthless? Or Indispensable
Type “fitness motivation” into any search engine and you’ll soon be drowned in quick fixes to get you gym-ready. Piled on in #fitspiration memes, gym posters, and endless articles with titles like “The 15 ... Continue Reading
The Iron Mind Makes Its Workout a Meditation
Source: Bev Childress Sometimes you read a single sentence and it sticks with you for life. I remember one such sentence from the early days of my own reading on meditation, mindset, and mental ... Continue Reading
7 Ways to Create Better Mental Toughness
It has often been said that mental toughness is a key ingredient to true fitness. Some of what weighs us down in the weight room or the track is not ours to carry. Here are seven steps to achieving mental ... Continue Reading
Transform Your Gym Frustrations Into Empowerment
Source: Bev Childress Every one of us has experienced frustration in the gym. Some skill or weight goal seems somehow beyond our reach, and we’ve all but given up on trying to achieve the milestone. ... Continue Reading
14 Books to Train Your Athletic Mind This Summer
It’s a safe assumption that any regular consumer of this site has no aversions to reading. Mark Twain is credited with saying, “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.” ... Continue Reading
Learning from Stress
For many of us, our relationship with stress is a lot like this classic example of something known as the "ironic thought process"—the very act of trying to avoid something seems to manifest it, and the ... Continue Reading
The Tao of Bodyweight: Seeking Perspective and Mindful Movement
Even with the resurgence of functional fitness over the past decade, there seems to be an arms race when it comes to equipment. Where many CrossFit boxes ten years ago were aggressively minimalist, today ... Continue Reading
Injuries Are Teachers if We Allow Them to Be
No matter how minor, an injury always feels like a major set-back. Even the most benign of ailments can bring significant mental turmoil. Doubt enters our mind in the form of: "I allowed this to ... Continue Reading