In some gym circles, you’re not considered a “true” lifter if nobody has ever asked you, “How much do you bench?” This fundamental exercise is the archetypal test of upper body strength and size. Yet, ... Continue Reading
How to Do the Turkish Get-Up for Total-Body Strength and Conditioning
Talk to anyone in your average gym about training to build conditioning or cut body fat, and the Turkish get-up is probably not going to be one of the first exercises mentioned, if it comes up at all. It ... Continue Reading
Move Well First: A New Path for Coaching Fitness
Mass information in the fitness industry is a beautiful thing; it enables coaches and the general population to learn at a high rate. However, mass information can also lead to mass confusion. Figuring out ... Continue Reading
The Relationship Between Scars and Mobility
Chances are you probably have a scar somewhere on your body. Anyone can get a scar from just about anything. Perhaps you were goofing around as a child and fell off your bike or maybe you recently took a ... Continue Reading
Balance and Efficiency: A Method to Stabilize Your Body
Have you ever worked systematically on a skill, doing the work required to be find a high level of competency, only to get stuck, plateauing in a bog you can’t seem to claw your way out of? Maybe you ... Continue Reading
5 Essential Yoga Poses for Runners
Are you feeling sore, achy, or tight after a run? Over time, running without proper mobility and stretching can lead to imbalances in the body resulting in sprains, pains, and injuries. Yoga is a wonderful ... Continue Reading
Rethink What It Means to Be Mobile
The word mobility has flooded the fitness culture these last few years. With the rise of gymnastics and martial arts inspired “movement” training from numerous different “gurus,” mobility has finally ... Continue Reading
Renegade Rows
Renegade rows are deceptive. They kind of look like a plank with a simple weight pull. Simple in so far as it doesn't seem technically challenging. And you're probably right, you don't need a lot of ... Continue Reading
Build Ankle Awareness to Unlock Your Power
Recently, a client arrived for his appointment, armed with a research paper on the golf swing.1 “I want to discuss this paper before we get started,” he told me. It’s not unusual for clients to walk ... Continue Reading
Flexible Pants for Your Yoga Practice
Flexi Lexi is a yoga clothing company based out of Thailand. They produce yoga tights that are functional and fun, with patterns that are a little bit different. In order for yoga tights to be functional, ... Continue Reading
The Weekender Recovery Mobilization
It’s the weekend! You’ve been crushing your body all week, and now it's time for some much-needed rest and recovery. But please, don’t just sit there. Recover! A little movement will go a long way to ... Continue Reading
Stretching Your Hamstrings Isn’t Always Best
A lot of people complain about tight hamstrings, and the usual exercises prescribed by physical therapists, strength coaches, and friends alike are a variety of hamstring stretches. Yes, there are times ... Continue Reading
Painless Strength for the Hyper Immobile
Mobility, the combination of flexibility and stability, is an absolutely essential quality for better performance. Greater mobility prevents injuries and unlocks speed, power, and agility. It allows ... Continue Reading
Ramp Up Your Warm Up: Prepare With Purpose
How do you approach your warm up? If you’re like most people, you come into the gym, spend a couple of minutes on the rower or the Airdyne, do some dynamic stretching, air squats, push ups, and boom – ... Continue Reading
A Systematic Approach to Mobility
So you want to get mobile. You have dreams of dropping into a deep squat with ease, of being the person that can fold forward into a pancake position. Or maybe your goals are a little less lofty. Maybe you ... Continue Reading
Help for Your Shortie Hamstrings
My hamstrings and I have had a long and troubled relationship. While we’re pretty happily enamored with one another these days, it wasn’t always so sunny. In fact, because of a birth injury that I had, I ... Continue Reading
Still Stretching? Think Bigger
Look, I’ll be honest with you: all that time you spend stretching and limbering up is just a drop in the bucket. And it’s really not that much fun, is it? If it’s not fun and not effective, there’s surely ... Continue Reading
Foam Rollers Don’t Work: Understanding Myofascial Release
“Smashing,” “rolling,” and “breaking up scar tissue” are all common ways that athletes refer to the practice of self myofascial release. Foam rollers, lacrosse balls, and PVC pipes are more common than ... Continue Reading
Is Your Training Functional or Circus Act?
Functional this, functional that... The word has overrun my social media feeds, and is the subject of countless articles across reputable and not so reputable websites. To be 100% honest, it does my head ... Continue Reading
Everyone Can Learn From Mobility for Bone Jarring BMX
I got into riding at an early age. I was about eleven years old and a local neighborhood kid started to show me how to do wheelies and jump curbs on my bike, which wasn't even a BMX bike! But, I was ... Continue Reading
Mobility and Alignment for Racquet Sports
Tennis is a fun, recreational sport that can keep you active throughout your lifetime. At first glance, it can be misleading because it appears to be a relatively easy, low-impact sport that most people ... Continue Reading
Your New Mobility Best Friend: TriggerPoint MB1 and MB5
As a person who always has a tight muscle here or a sore muscle there, the opportunity to try the TriggerPoint foam massage balls was a very exciting prospect. I carry a golf ball in my computer bag and it ... Continue Reading
Mobility Matters Every Day
If foam rolling and flossing is the extent of your mobility practice, we’ve got some work to do. It’s easy to brush off your mobility training for sexier things like lifting heavier or flooding Instagram ... Continue Reading
4 Mobility Tests to Reality Check Your Squat Depth
Many athletes experience low back pain during lifting. Poor technique when performing deep squats places excessive stress on the low back. In the strength community, debate encircles the amount of pelvic ... Continue Reading