Sometimes you just need to change it up with a different training stimulus to get yourself out of a rut. Sandbags did this for me. I’m big into endurance training, and when I hit the gym each week, I ... Continue Reading
3 Core Exercises to Help You Ditch the Crunches
One of the best things about attending the annual DVRT (Ultimate Sandbag Training) Masters Summit is that I get a chance to spend time with some of the world’s best trainers. We trade ideas about how to ... Continue Reading
Sandbag Training for Women
Considering we as women reach our maximum bone density at age 30 and begin to decline afterwards, you would think that strength training would be more of a central focus for us, especially because we are ... Continue Reading
“DVRT: The Ultimate Sandbag Training System” (Book Review)
I’ve been a sandbag enthusiast for some time now.The sandbag is a simple, cheap, and powerful tool to improve anyone’s fitness, and it fits in even the smallest of homes, or anywhere else for that matter. ... Continue Reading
End Sandbag Abuse: The 3 Most Common Sandbag Training Mistakes
Social media is an interesting beast. It gets intense. It gets heated!<strong"> I mean, have you seen someone post a barbell deadlift or clean that has gone wrong? How about a kettlebell swing or ... Continue Reading
Product Review: The Ultimate Sandbag
One of the selling points you’ll hear a lot surrounding sandbag training is that you can make a sandbag out of anything. A gymbag and duct tape will do, or some Ziplock bags inside a backpack. You know, ... Continue Reading
5 Week Sandbag Workout Program: Week 5 – 10 Killer Workouts
Welcome to the fifth and final part of my series on sandbag training. I really hope you’ve enjoyed it, as I’ve certainly had great fun writing it. If you haven’t read the rest of the series then you can ... Continue Reading
3 Unique Kettlebell and Sandbag Exercise Progressions
In my first article on combining sandbags and kettlebells, I discussed understanding the differences of our training tools. After all certain tools do things well that others do not. We shouldn’t be ... Continue Reading
7 Articles For Sandbag Training Fans
Sandbag training uses instability to build strength and increase power. If you're curious about sandbag training, or just want to learn more, check out these articles written by expert sandbag trainers. ... Continue Reading
5 Week Sandbag Workout Program: Week 1 – Get Started
Welcome to the first article in a weekly five-part series on sandbag training and the how and why of adding it into your current training program. Throughout the articles I’ll be adding in plenty of ... Continue Reading
Re-Thinking Functional Movement: The Sling Systems of the Body
Talking theory is great and citing research is very important, but in the end, I think nothing tells more about what a person actually believes in than the programs he or she creates. After looking at ... Continue Reading
3 Sandbag Exercises You Should Add to Your Training
While I am obviously a great believer of sandbag training as a stand alone or heavily emphasized form of training, I am also a realist in that others may want to use sandbag training as a means to improve ... Continue Reading
The 3 Biggest Mistakes in Developing Fitness Programs
Every workout has a weakness, to combat this problem coaches unfortunately tend to throw in everything but the kitchen sink. Minimizing the weaknesses of various methods isn't challenging if we better ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Sandbag Fitness: The Complete Guide to Sandbag Training” by Matthew Palfrey
You know the slow-motion group high five that marked the end of way too many 1990s-era sitcom television shows? It’s always right before the credits and the shot usually zoomed in on the hands and they’d ... Continue Reading