Wouldn’t it be great if we all had an endless supply of willpower? No amount of temptation or distraction could throw us off course. Making a change in our habits would be as simple as deciding to do it. ... Continue Reading
Where Sweets and Satan Collide
For all of human history, every culture has crafted mythical tales of monsters, villains, and archenemies to heighten our experience as mortals and display our individual plight. Many of these cautionary ... Continue Reading
The Power of Ice Cream: Sugar Can Heal Stress
Sugar has been touted by the public and mainstream media as the fat-storing devil. In our efforts to lose weight, many of us attempt to remove all sugar from our diets. In fact, most popular weight-loss ... Continue Reading
Is It Really All About Sugar? Nutrition for Cavity Prevention
It always bothered me, that despite being meticulous about how I care for my teeth, I always got cavities anyway. It’s a common scenario. We go to the dentist for a cleaning and hope we have no ... Continue Reading
Why Natural Sugars Aren’t Any Better Than Artificial Sugars (and Neither Is Paleo!)
I don’t know about you, but lately I’ve noticed a worrisome trend among “health food” bloggers, “paleo” Facebook pages, and other websites and sources of healthy recipes and food ideas. Everyone is going ... Continue Reading
Fructose Is Bad for Your Body and Your Mind
When I look around today I see an interesting polarization of the population. Obesity is on the rise, as we all know and hear about all the time, but it seems like the number of people interested in ... Continue Reading
What You Need to Know About Sugar Alcohols
Sugar alcohols are the sugars in alcohol, right? Wrong actually, the term "sugar alcohol" can be quite misleading as they are neither a sugar nor an alcohol. Confused yet? Allow me to explain then. ... Continue Reading
High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) Linked to Obesity
If you live in a country that consumes a lot of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS), then you are more likely to die of type 2 diabetes. That’s the result of a recent study that examined the HFCS consumption ... Continue Reading
The Deadly Ways Excess Sugar is Stunting Your Child
Children and sugar go together like bros and protein shakes, divas and booty shorts, or middle-aged housewives and Zumba classes. Every morning I see bright-eyed and eager students bounce around the ... Continue Reading
What You Need to Know Before Eating Artificial Sweeteners
The following is a guest post from Sarah Bolandi of Bumfuzzled Jane: While created in the late 1800s, artificial sweeteners seem to have overtaken food products in recent years. Food producers ... Continue Reading