Got tight hips? These four poses will assist your asana by stretching the piriformis, hamstrings, and glutes. This simple sequence is meant to warm, stretch, strengthen, and stretch again. The goal is ... Continue Reading
Dear Willow: Need Help With Low Back Pain During Meditation and Yoga
Dear Willow, I've been practicing Yoga for a couple of years and have seen improvement in most asanas. One of the only times I experience real discomfort or pain during yoga is when I'm in a seated ... Continue Reading
Dear Willow: Any Tips on Crow Pose?
Dear Willow, Do you have any quick tips how to get into Crow pose? I’ve been struggling with this pose for some time now and feel like I’m falling face down instead of staying up. What can I do to ... Continue Reading
Dear Willow: Why Do My Muscles Shake In Yoga?
Dear Willow, Occasionally when taking a yoga class and I’m holding a pose, my muscles start to shake. Why is this and is this good or bad? Sincerely, Shakin' Dear Shakin', It ... Continue Reading
Dear Willow: Can Yoga Help My Low Back Pain?
Dear Willow, I have a lot of low back pain and am working with a Structural Integration therapist on alignment. Do you think yoga can help? If so, how should I begin? I don’t want to hurt myself ... Continue Reading
Low Back or Leg Injury? Stay Active With Modified Sun Salutations
Many people believe that to participate in yoga means to go when feeling great or not go at all. It is a recurrent theme heard from many students who shy away from attending a class when they have an ... Continue Reading
Dear Willow: Can Yoga Flatten My Belly?
Dear Willow, What is a great way to work on flattening my belly? I feel bloated and my digestion suffers. Is there a yoga exercise I can do to help? Sincerely, Intestinal ... Continue Reading
Yoga for Athletes: Get the Edge You Need by Lessening Strain
To be faster, farther, harder, stronger, or the best can often lead to a path of honing our every thought, decision, and action. To place this much attention to detail is commendable, as long as it is not ... Continue Reading
Defying Stagnation: An Interview With Heather Tiddens, Part 2
Last week we shared thoughts with former professional surfer and current world-renowned yoga instructor Heather Tiddens. Heather shared her love of the ocean, and the value she places on inner work as well ... Continue Reading
Dear Willow: How Do I Handle Client Feedback?
Dear Willow, I wonder what you do with hearing feedback from clients or students. I am a fitness instructor and part of my job is to ask for feedback from students. Sometimes when I hear feedback it ... Continue Reading
The Road Less Traveled: An Interview With Heather Tiddens, Part 1
It’s rare that I’ll start an interview with an hour of complete silence, yet there I sat with my tush on a cushion, only a foot away from pro-surfer turned yoga instructor Heather Tiddens and waited. And ... Continue Reading
Dear Willow: Too Self Conscious to Start Yoga – Help!
Dear Willow, I really want to get involved in taking Yoga classes but I am feeling very insecure about not knowing the proper poses and don’t want to feel judged by others or the instructor…how do I ... Continue Reading
Ashley Turner: Yoga Psychologist
Ashley first found community through an active lifestyle when she began teaching aerobics classes while enrolled in college at the University of Southern California. Moving from Bloomington, Illinois to ... Continue Reading
Find Your Warrior’s Path Through Turbo Dog
Last week’s article 25 Yoga Poses That Will Make You a Better Runner was focused on yoga and running, though many of the positions listed benefit all types of athletes and active people. In reality our ... Continue Reading
Five Minute Yoga: Learning the Breath Ceremony
Answer this: Out of the last twenty-four hours, how many minutes did you spend connecting to your body? Feeling the tight spots, feeling the open areas? How many breaths did you take with simply feeling ... Continue Reading
Welcome to Yoga School: What You Need to Know to Pick a School and Begin
There are many styles of yoga to explore and finding the type to address your needs, wants, and goals is important for your first experience and ongoing development. Not all yoga is the same. There are ... Continue Reading
Your First Yoga Lesson: It’s Not What You Think and You Can Do It Right Now
You’ve heard yoga has benefits. Some of these benefits might actually be what you need. Like brushing teeth or eating vegetables, adding a bit of yoga to your daily routine can enhance your quality of ... Continue Reading
Yoga Instructor Tiffany Cruikshank: East Meets West
Tiffany Cruikshank is one of the best-known names in the world of yoga, and for good reason – she’s been doing it since she was 14 years old and it’s been her life’s passion. For the last five years ... Continue Reading
6 Tips For an Injury Free Yoga Class
Is yoga really a dangerous practice? A recent article in The New York Times, discussed an overwhelming phenomenon happening with yoga related injuries, ranging from degenerative disorders of the shoulders ... Continue Reading
Practice Your Practice: 4 Mental Steps to Stay Active this Holiday
Last week I made it into yoga class for the first time in a few weeks. My body had been craving it, but my mind kept telling me I needed to do other things. My yoga instructor took the opportunity to talk ... Continue Reading
5 Essentials to Start Your Yoga Practice
Starting a new yoga practice can be a daunting experience. These five yoga essentials will have you ready and on your way to a new flexible, balanced, de-stressed, and more peaceful you! 1. ... Continue Reading
5 Myths About Meditation
A myriad of research that has demonstrated the positive effects of a meditation practice on stress, physical health, chronic pain, sleep, mood, concentration, and athletic performance. Meditation can give ... Continue Reading
Why Do Athletes Need Yoga?
Incorporating yoga in to your current athletic programming is an excellent performance and mobility enhancer. The practice of yoga has evolved over thousands of years. Yoga utilizes postures or asanas ... Continue Reading
Yoga Effective at Lowering Blood Pressure
Substantial research is now being conducted to examine the health and medical benefits of practicing yoga, deep breathing, and meditation. A new study published in the Indian Journal of Science and ... Continue Reading