Bashing the NCAA is in vogue, and it’s not hard to see why. Every keyboard warrior on the internet feels it’s their duty to self-righteously assault them. They point to the billionaire boosters, the ... Continue Reading
Search Results for: how to watch
The Iron Mind Makes Its Workout a Meditation
Source: Bev Childress Sometimes you read a single sentence and it sticks with you for life. I remember one such sentence from the early days of my own reading on meditation, mindset, and mental ... Continue Reading
Cardio Doesn’t Have to Be Discriminated Against by Meatheads
Are you allergic to cardio? Does the mere mention of it create visions in your head of long hours spent on the treadmill or stationary bike? Are you already bracing yourself for another article listing the ... Continue Reading
7 Ways to Create Better Mental Toughness
It has often been said that mental toughness is a key ingredient to true fitness. Some of what weighs us down in the weight room or the track is not ours to carry. Here are seven steps to achieving mental ... Continue Reading
Why You Should Train Naked
Every runner and cyclist will tell you that if it isn’t on Strava, it didn’t happen. CrossFit is built on the concept of quantifying work for comparison to others. As athletes, and indeed as human beings, ... Continue Reading
Grace and Power: Coiling Core Traveling Lunges
Coiling Core Traveling Lunges train you to move like an athlete, with effortless power. It’s all about how you use your lats to coil your core, and break the rules of conventional lunges to move with the ... Continue Reading
What the Coiling Core Can Do for Your Strength
Everyone has seen the beast in the gym who can’t really move well outside of that environment. Their strength under a barbell is impressive, but it doesn’t translate to the real world or sports ... Continue Reading
The Total Newbie’s Guide to Triathlon
At first glance, the sport of triathlon seems intimidating. You don’t have just one discipline to master, you have three: swimming, cycling, and running, each with its own techniques, training protocols, ... Continue Reading
How to Assess Your Full-Body Flexibility
In my recent articles I’ve discussed the importance of functional flexibility for performance and some of the common stretching pitfalls we all make. Today, I’ll go through five movements that will give ... Continue Reading
Arm Balancing: Improve Your Strength Through Alignment
When someone new watches me demonstrate an arm balance, he or she often responds with, "I don't think I have the upper body strength for that." Well, I don't either. There are some strong athletes who can ... Continue Reading
3 Knee Friendly Quad Exercises That Aren’t Squats
My orthopedist told me that I have one bad knee and one worse knee. I’m 27 years old and I’ve got double knee replacements in my future; if I continue doing the things that I enjoy (hiking, skiing, and the ... Continue Reading
Chest Strap vs Wristband Heart Rate Monitors
Fitness trackers are all the rage these days. Everyone seems to be wearing one—from an Apple watch, to a FitBit, to a Polar GPS watch, or simply an app on a smartphone. You can't walk into a gym, yoga ... Continue Reading
The Butt of a Backbend: A Lesson in Gluteal Anatomy
To clarify the ambiguity of a teaching technique for a common yoga posture, a group of yogis will sometimes employ the good ol’ democratic vote. To clarify the ambiguity of a teaching ... Continue Reading
Dear Newbie, Dabbling Is Not a Sin
Hey there, newbie. On behalf of trainers, coaches, writers, editors, and fitness professionals everywhere, I’d like to issue you a formal apology. You see, in articles, videos, and podcasts everywhere ... Continue Reading
The Rules of Pain Free Hypertrophy
What does the phrase “pain-free training” conjure in your mind? Does it bring up images of those colorful dumbbells that are smaller than your hand? Does it include exercises that look more like they ... Continue Reading
Get to Know Your Psoas
When I began a piece on the psoas, I hoped to write a catchy, simplistic article about a body part with some related stretches that anyone could do. Unfortunately, the human body isn’t an assemblage of ... Continue Reading
Why This Woman Is the Fittest One of All
Becca Voigt has been CrossFitting since, I think, 2008. I started around 2009. I saw her at the first Regional competition that year when there were no qualifiers and you could just sign up to take part. ... Continue Reading
Leaderboards Done Right: Adversity and Growth
The CrossFit Open is behind us, and Regionals are drawing to a close. For thousands, this spring was their first experience with competition in CrossFit, and it is through the veterans of the Open that ... Continue Reading
Fasting Isn’t the Dieting Secret Weapon You Think
Intermittent fasting has become one of the most popular diets for those trying to lose weight. The belief is that restricting eating to 4-8 hours per day can lead to improved calorie burning, better ... Continue Reading
Every Step Is a Gift
Becoming an athlete when you’re already in your 30s is a funny thing. I don’t have any glory days to look back on from my teens and 20s, because aside from a few (very mediocre) years of wrestling in high ... Continue Reading
Why Everyone Needs to Meditate
Meditation is a practice with a slight image problem. It gets nothing but praise from health and psychology literature, and from our most elite performers. But most people see meditation as a bizarre first ... Continue Reading
The Handstand Builder For Women: Day 1/3, Week 12
Day 1 of 3: Week 12 A1: 2 Rounds 30 Seconds Kettlebell High Pull Right Arm 30 Seconds Kettlebell High Pull Left Arm 30 Seconds Rest A2: 2 Rounds 30 Seconds Windmill Right Arm 30 ... Continue Reading
Training with Hypermobility
For years, hypermobility was a term that we didn’t hear much in the training world. It was understood people have various degrees of mobility, and some were naturally more flexible than others. Once in a ... Continue Reading
Speed Hides Need
An old adage of the strength coaching sphere tells us that “speed hides need.” This is a concept that any experienced strength coach understands and applies to find areas of weakness, deficiency, or “need” ... Continue Reading