Along with saponins and lectins, phytic acid is considered an anti-nutrient, which means thoe who follow paleo nutrition have probably eliminated it from their diet. Phytic acid (aka phytate) is a ... Continue Reading
Dissecting Anti-Nutrients: A Closer Look At Saponins
Within the Paleo framework, saponins, along with lectins and prolamins like gliadin, are considered toxic anti-nutrients that are best removed from the diet. Robb Wolf, in The Paleo Solution, frankly ... Continue Reading
Modern Day Meal Planning: Eating to Promote Fat-Burning
The Problem with the Unplanned Modern Diet When we consider the extremely high rates of diabetes and cardiovascular disease, or even emotional illnesses, it is difficult not to consider that diet ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Paleo Slow Cooking” by Chrissy Gower
I love to cook. And, strangely enough, I love to chop vegetables. But these dual loves don’t guarantee I’ll always have the time to cook a detailed meal. This reality brought me to my third food-related ... Continue Reading
Dear Coach: How Can I Tone My Waist and Tummy?
Dear Coach, Hi, I'm 58 and have been doing a variety of classes for a long time. At the moment I'm doing kettlebells, BodyPump, BodyCombat, SpinFit, and just begun Bokwa. I'm retired so I love going ... Continue Reading
Leveraging Modern Technology to Achieve Ancestral Wellness
While this article’s title is no doubt a mouthful, the concept is actually very simple indeed. And I know exactly what you’re thinking - “Ancestral Wellness?” Yeah, right. My “woo-DAR” is for sure on high ... Continue Reading
Sunday Seven: The Week’s 7 Most Popular Articles, Vol. 10
Every Sunday we post the "Sunday Seven" so you can quickly see the 7 most popular articles of the week. The hot topics this week include Bikram yoga, tips for kettlebell programming, food justice, glamor ... Continue Reading
The Paleo Mystique: Deciphering “Paleo” Eating
As a trainer, you have to make choices. Choices about what you believe, and how you will offer what you believe to the clients who pay for your help. Your choices directly impact the people who come ... Continue Reading
Synthetic Primal: Stone Age Fitness in the 21st Century
Unless you’ve been living in a cave recently -- or perhaps because you’ve been living in a cave recently -- you’ve probably heard of the concept of “Paleo” or “primal” fitness. First impression: ... Continue Reading