If you start drooling when you hear the word "cacao," you're in for a treat. Here are 7 articles that explain why real chocolate is actually good for you - plus a few products you've gotta try if you call ... Continue Reading
The Amazing Benefits of the Mysterious Vitamin P
You may not know that in the first part of the twentieth century there was such a thing as vitamin P. Not only that, but vitamin P helped to reduce blood sugar, improve insulin resistance, reduce lipids, ... Continue Reading
Sports Supplements Shown Possibly Effective for Lean Mass
It can be difficult to tell what your supplements are doing. You might be throwing your money away or paying for a benefit too small to be concerned with. We all read the claims, but claims are all they ... Continue Reading
Science Says Dairy Is Good for Insulin
I think dairy is one of the few foods that people find to be pretty much universally delicious. Milk, cheese, and other dairy products are not only tasty additions to any meal, they are also high in ... Continue Reading
Why You Need Indigestible Carbs in Your Diet
It’s common knowledge that fiber helps with digestion and lowers the risk of certain diseases, but there are many types of indigestible or poorly digestible carbohydrates. The two big ones are cellulose ... Continue Reading
What Processed Food Is Doing To Kids and How We Can Change It
"Kraft’s early Lunchables campaign targeted mothers. They might be too distracted by work to make a lunch, but they loved their kids enough to offer them this prepackaged gift." Michael Moss of the "New ... Continue Reading
Superfoods 101: 8 Articles to Enhance Your Health
You've probably heard certain exotic foods like maca, spirulina, and goji berries described as 'superfoods.' But did you know not all of them originate in the jungle? Read on to learn what superfoods are ... Continue Reading
Cashew Apple Juice Helps Burn Fat
I don’t know about you, but I had never heard of a cashew apple until a week ago. I learned about it when reading a recent study in the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition about cashew ... Continue Reading
Fish Might Be Good For Expecting Mothers
An important part of pregnancy nutrition is ensuring adequate omega-3 fatty acid intake. These types of fats are essential to the development of the brain and nervous system of unborn children, and in turn ... Continue Reading
The Art of Body Maintenance: 4 Tips for Caring for Your Vehicle
There was a popular book in the 1970s called Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. The book centered around the narrator and his friend. The friend just wanted to ride his bike and have it fixed ... Continue Reading
Your Diet Can Change Your Genes
The human body is an amazing piece of machinery. Especially when thinking about our DNA and genes. We all have a basic knowledge of what genes are. We get them from our parents and they decide what we look ... Continue Reading
How to Strengthen Your DNA and Create Super Babies
As human beings we have a biological imperative to pass on our genes in the hope that our legacies and names will be remembered long after we are gone. But in order to ensure our offspring a head start in ... Continue Reading
Medicinal Mushrooms: The Ancient Superfood
The first time I was introduced to medicinal mushrooms was due to my love of raw chocolate. (I know, not surprising!) I had just discovered Chocolatl's Cordyceps-Maca raw chocolate. It is a beautiful blend ... Continue Reading
The Wonderful, Horrible Soybean
There are three topics that can cause derision and division at any coffee or dinner table across the Western world: religion, politics, and soy. The humble soybean does have a noble and ingrained place in ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The 4 Habits of Healthy Families” by Amy Hendel
Having a healthy family isn't always as easy as it sounds. With hectic schedules and convenience food available practically on demand, it's easy to make excuses and let health become less of a priority ... Continue Reading
Where You Buy Your Food Affects the Food You Buy
Ever wonder if where you shop for groceries or the area that you live in and the availability of high quality food options effects what you actually buy? Ever wonder if where you shop for ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Body First Stevia Liquid Extract and Powder
In the world of non-sugar sweeteners stevia extract tends to be looked upon more favorably due its natural origins. Stevia rebaudiana is a plant native to South America and has been used as a sweetener by ... Continue Reading
How To Tell If Your Gut Bugs Are Out Of Whack
Last week I talked about the potential link between gut bacteria and obesity. There was a great response to the article, and one of the comments was a question asking how we assess whether or not our gut ... Continue Reading
How to Plan and Cook a Week’s Worth of Healthy, Tasty Meals
The two biggest objections I hear to eating healthier, whether it be paleo, primal, or whatever you want to call it, are that it’s too expensive and it’s hard to cook interesting meals. The truth is, ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Science of Skinny” by Dee McCaffrey
I picked up The Science of Skinny: Start Understanding Your Body’s Chemistry, and Stop Dieting Forever by Dee McCaffrey at the suggestion of a friend who had started implementing the recommendations and ... Continue Reading
Top 10 Nutrition Articles of 2012
With all the different nutrition advice out there, it can be hard to find reliable information. When you throw in questions like, "What should I eat before I work out?" or "What supplements should I take ... Continue Reading
Toward a More Holistic Approach to Diet
I've lived and breathed the strength and conditioning game - first as an athlete, then as a coach/trainer - for well over 35 years now. And when it comes to questions of diet, I can tell you this: unless ... Continue Reading
Making Meals Ahead of Time Can Help You Lose Weight
Losing weight can be tough for anyone except the most motivated athlete. Whether your goal is to trim up for health, or to get leaner for your sport, we have a biological imperative to gain weight rather ... Continue Reading
5 Paleo Meal Hacks to Sink Your Teeth Into
Though still in its relative infancy, the paleo diet has been utilized by a ton of people from all walks of life. Unfortunately, despite the built-in simplicity and effectiveness, it can sometimes be ... Continue Reading