Recently I was inspired by one of my clients, Jovanni. He had originally had a goal to lose weight and maintain his health, but after a three month program of about three sessions per week Jovanni hit a ... Continue Reading
Maximize Your Potential This Year
At the New Year, we experience an influx of motivation in our gyms—we set New Year’s resolutions where we promise ourselves and our loved ones all the ways that we are going to become better humans this ... Continue Reading
Use Micro-Goals for Macro Change
Historically, I’m not good at setting goals—any goals. Recently, I was bemoaning my frustration about a hurt ankle and poor diet to a friend. She told me that I need to spend some time considering my ... Continue Reading
The Main Reason You Aren’t Getting Any Stronger
You’ve been hitting the gym for a while now, and you’re pretty consistent. You work up a sweat three or more times each week. But there’s something missing. You’re not getting stronger, are you? This ... Continue Reading
Slay Your Own Giants
“A classic,” said Mark Twain, “is something that everybody wants to have read and nobody wants to read.” Such is the case with arguably the greatest novel in Spanish literature, The Ingenious Nobleman Sir ... Continue Reading
Which Is Right for You: Free Weights or Bodyweight?
The ‘strong is the new skinny’ movement has arrived. The fear that resistance training will cause us to walk through doors sideways, has been replaced with a body of knowledge that shows increasing our ... Continue Reading
The Anatomy of a Training Program
Finding the perfect workout routine and training schedule is the fitness equivalent of finding the Holy Grail. Such a phenomenon does not exist. No two individuals are the same and therefore cannot expect ... Continue Reading
The Disconnected Values Model of Motivation
It is easy to motivate or help someone who already values being healthy, moving well, and moving often. But what if they aren’t? The fitness industry primarily markets to people who are already active and ... Continue Reading
What’s the Point? Check In With Your Goals
"Begin with the end in mind," says Stephen Covey. I don’t recall much else from Covey’s book, but that quote sticks out in my mind. His idea is to have a firm vision of your goal in mind, and the actions ... Continue Reading
Why Successful People Don’t Set Goals and You Shouldn’t Either
New Year’s is by far the most common time when people and organizations sit down and set goals on what they want to achieve. Indeed there are many excellent articleson why goal setting can be important, ... Continue Reading
12 Sets of Great Advice on Goal Setting
Have you ever found yourself sitting with a blank piece of paper, ready to set some goals, but feeling unsure where to start? Or perhaps you've experienced times when you realized too late that the goals ... Continue Reading
How to Set Goals With Vision, Possibility, and Balance
Every January my yoga classes are packed with new bright-eyed students and their new year’s resolutions. In February the classes are still going strong. But by the time spring rolls around many of the ... Continue Reading
2 Fundamental Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Your Goals for 2014
If you’re like most of the athletic population of the world, you’ll have had your eyes on the clock for a couple of weeks now. Every day, every hour, every minute has been one step closer to unleashing a ... Continue Reading
How to Create Your Vision (Board) for 2014
The last few months felt like one long party. Excitement fumed from conversations about who was doing what over the holidays, and many friends spoke to the frantic chaos they felt with coordinating family ... Continue Reading
And Then What? What Happens After We Reach Our Goals
And then what? That, my friends, is the least answered question in fitness. This question is about what happens after we’ve reached the goal. It’s about what is behind our goal. Goals in their inherent ... Continue Reading
How to Take Our Goals From Dreams to Reality
Our teachers have told us all that having a goal is important. Schools make the establishment of a goal fairly easy. If you are in the first grade you will be encouraged to look forward to the seemingly ... Continue Reading
Mental Strategies from Professional Strength and Conditioning Coaches
Do you use mental strategies in the gym to improve your performance? Which mental strategies are most important? A recent study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research posed this question to ... Continue Reading
How Going to an Extreme Can Help You Find Balance
This year, while reflecting on what I want to accomplish in 2013, I was reminded of one of my ancient philosophy classes back in college. The course was on Aristotle, and we spent a whole year reading one ... Continue Reading
The Death of Fear: 5 Pieces of Advice for New Year’s Resolutions
The simplicity of Christmas moves me. The undercurrent of goodwill and humanity is inspiring and beautiful. For me, it’s a time to slow down and appreciate. But the second that Christmas is over – freshly ... Continue Reading
How to Pick an (Im)Possible Goal
“A person's success in life can usually be measured by the number of uncomfortable conversations he or she is willing to have.” - Timothy Ferriss, "The 4 Hour Workweek" Everyone’s heard of ... Continue Reading
If Your Goals Don’t Scare You, They Aren’t Big Enough
It is obvious that we can no more explain a passion to a person who has never experienced it than we can explain light to the blind." - T.S. Eliot Nothing is more frightening than truly being in ... Continue Reading
New Year’s Resolutions – The Hard Way
Every year, you make New Years Resolutions, commitments to yourself to reach goals you CLAIM are important to you. And every year, you fail to meet most of them - maybe all of them. Think about what ... Continue Reading
Use Your Inner Coach to Set SMART Goals
In a previous article I talked about setting big, scary, unreasonable goals. Using your creative, daring side of your brain to paint a picture of your dreams. Great. So now you’ve got a list of ... Continue Reading
Find Your Authentic Self by Setting Unreasonable Goals
There is no way in January of 2010 I would have written on my annual goal list, “Move to Portland, Oregon.” In fact in June of 2010 I signed a two-year lease on my apartment in Los Angeles. Within five ... Continue Reading