On the heels of a story I wrote about the Dog Brothers’ annual Gathering of the Pack, I had the opportunity to interview in more depth Guro Marc “Crafty Dog” Denny, who is “the Guiding Force” of the Dog ... Continue Reading
Search Results for: how to watch
Striking 101: Striking in Mixed Martial Arts
The sport of mixed martial arts (MMA), popularized by the UFC, can be complicated and confusing for new fans. Unlike boxing where there is only one discipline to understand, MMA integrates striking, ... Continue Reading
How to Bake the Perfect Snatch
The process of learning how to snatch is more like baking a cake than like making gumbo. You have to follow precise steps, you can't skip them, you can't do them in reverse order, and you need to get the ... Continue Reading
The Map Is Not the Territory: Plan Less, Lift More
Back in my bodybuilding days, before I saw the light and switched over to strength sports, I used to train with a couple of buddies: Adam and Justin. All three of us worked part-time as personal trainers ... Continue Reading
Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Competition-Style: What Happens at a Grappling Tournament
On Saturday, October 22, competitors of every age, size, and skill/experience level participated in the Copa Nova Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Championships, a Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu and submission grappling ... Continue Reading
The Rule of 3 Workout Routine: Veni, Vidi, Vici!
Have you ever watched The Three Stooges? Ever heard a joke like, "A priest, a doctor, and a lawyer walk into a bar ..."? Why did Goldilocks have to deal with three bears? Something about the number ... Continue Reading
Strength & Conditioning – Chris LaLanne: Week 2, Day 2
This week is the second of three weeks of programming from Chris LaLanne of LaLanne Fitness in San Francisco. Join in on this combo of strength and conditioning training -- four new workouts are posted ... Continue Reading
Up Hill Both Ways: How the Status Quo Bias is Making You Wimpy
When my friend and I first went to see The Lord of the Rings I thought we were going to have a great time. To say that he's a fanatic fan of J.R.R. Tolkien's books would be a massive understatement. Boy, ... Continue Reading
Product Review: You Bar – Custom Energy Bars
Ever look at your favorite energy bar and wish it had a little more protein or that it was gluten-free? Or maybe you wish it came in a different flavor or contained fewer calories? Now, thanks to You Bar, ... Continue Reading
How Can Your Fitness Keep You Safe? Interview with Bodyguard – Miguel DeCoste
What do physical fitness and personal security have to do with one other? Well, according to Miguel DeCoste, a personal safety and threat assessement specialist, they have a lot to do with each ... Continue Reading
10 Day Juice Fast: What Does It FEEL Like?
In the article 10 Day Juice Fast: Is Juicing Good For You? we talked about the potential health benefits of juicing but as a lifetime athlete, I’m always far more interested with people’s hands on ... Continue Reading
10 Day Juice Fast: Is Juicing Good For You?
Today is day eight. Since this is my first writing assignment here at Breaking Muscle, I thought it would only be appropriate to open with a dramatic statement like that. Today is day eight. “Day eight of ... Continue Reading
4 Weeks to Better Cardio: Taku’s Interval Training
Looking to get in great cardiovascular shape without a complicated or time-consuming plan? Try this out. This plan is a continuation of my series for the open-field sport player such as lacrosse, ... Continue Reading
What’s That Move Called? A Glossary of MMA Terms
After a number of years on the fringe, mixed martial arts (MMA) has more recently lodged itself firmly in the national Zeitgeist. After a number of years on the fringe, mixed martial arts ... Continue Reading
Burpees: A “Love” Story
Burpees. The suck. Whatever you call them, if you have ever done them, this topic probably makes you a bit uneasy, perhaps because you fear that you have unknowingly stumbled onto a feature that’s going to ... Continue Reading
Josh Crosby Talks Benefits of Indoor Rowing
Like spinning before it, rowing has gone from being a competitive outdoor sport to one of the growing new trends in group exercise. At the forefront of this movement is coach Josh Crosby. Crosby believes ... Continue Reading
Audience Presence Enhances Weight Lifting Performance
New research in the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, examined audience presence and competition on weightlifting performance. Researchers tested 32 recreationally trained subjects, who ... Continue Reading
8 Must Haves for Your Gym Bag
Just the other week, I wrote about the ten items you need to have to build a good home gym. Now, what about the rest of you, who are members of a gym? The question for you is – what items do you need to ... Continue Reading
Wrestling 101: Wrestling in Mixed Martial Arts
Mixed martial arts (MMA) is a complicated sport to watch and there are many nuances for a newcomer to the sport to learn. A couple weeks ago I introduced you to “MMA 101” and went over the three basic arts ... Continue Reading
MMA 101: The Arts Behind Mixed Martial Arts
Having been involved in mixed martial arts (MMA) for almost a decade, I sometimes forget it is still a new sport to most people. As such, the concept of the sport may not be very clear for people ... Continue Reading