In recent Breaking Muscle articles there has been discussion of the benefits of exercise during pregnancy. But what about eating right? Sometimes while pregnant, good nutrition can go right out the window. ... Continue Reading
Dear Coach: What Should I Eat Before and After CrossFit?
Dear Coach, My name is Laura and I'm 32. I CrossFit three times a week in the evenings, spin two times a week in the morning, and usually do some Pilates on a Sunday. I am not sure how ... Continue Reading
Thanksgiving Dinner: Fresh vs. Processed – Does It Make a Difference?
During my two-year stay in Belgium for graduate school, there were a few gaps in the usual American calendar. Naturally, one of those was Thanksgiving. No turkeys, no pilgrims and cornucopias, no Indian ... Continue Reading
Breakfast Eaters Are Slimmer, More Active, and Less Depressed
Obesity is a complex topic woven with myriad issues like education, physical activity, and income. But in Delhi, India, childhood obesity is most closely linked to this surprising factor: breakfast. ... Continue Reading
The Ugly Truth: Holiday Foods and Their Caloric Content
It’s that time of the year. You know what I’m talking about. That stretch of days that run from the calorie-hoarding period of the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday through Christmas and into the New Year. Wait. ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Grappler’s Guide to Sports Nutrition” by John Berardi and Michael Fry
Recently I picked up The Grappler’s Guide to Sports Nutrition for Body Composition and Performance Enhancement by John Berardi and Michael Fry. Even though it was written in 2005, I was curious about it ... Continue Reading
Is Paleo Ketogenic and Is That a Good Idea?
With the popularity of high protein diets such as the paleo diet in recent days it’s important to delineate advantages and disadvantages to eating this way. From a health perspective it’s hard to beat a ... Continue Reading
10 Simple Tips for Avoiding Halloween Weight Gain
Halloween is my favorite holiday. You get to be anything or anybody you want, celebrate without family stress, and total strangers give you candy. What’s not to like? Well, I suppose the constant ... Continue Reading
Seasons of the Athlete: Evolving with Change
There’s something about the changing of seasons that puts things in perspective. We note the change of seasons by the sports we play and the activities in which we participate. With a change of season ... Continue Reading
3 More Things You Need to Know Before Buying Supplements
When it comes to supplements, the old phrase “buyer beware” holds true. You need to know your facts before you purchase vitamins, minerals, and other supplements. In the previous article regarding the ... Continue Reading
Clean Eating Challenge: 2 Weeks To a Tighter Trunk
We all wants six-pack abs and we want them fast. This isn’t actually going to be a blueprint to get them in just two weeks. What this outline will do, however, is kick your journey to a tighter midsection ... Continue Reading
An Athlete’s Guide to Nuts and Seeds
I have a feeling I’m preaching to the choir when writing an article for Breaking Muscle on nuts and seeds and why they’re good for you. The trouble is, many people, actually the majority of Americas, don’t ... Continue Reading
Weight Loss Lessons From a Complete Pig
Recently, I tried to eat three whole chickens. Plus sides. Specifically, 3.5kg of schnitzel, complete with potato roesti, and sauerkraut (cabbage). For my American friends, that's eight pounds of food, ... Continue Reading
The Female Guide to Getting Lean
So many times women ask me, "How can I lose this?" while they're pinching whatever area they want gone. While no two women are exactly the same, there are a few general tips that I can throw out there for ... Continue Reading
Build Lean Muscle with Intermittent Fasting, Carb and Calorie Cycling
So, you want to get leaner and build some muscle? This is the ultimate goal. Surprisingly, it is easier to reach the ultimate goal than you think. The answer is strategic carb and calorie cycling with the ... Continue Reading
CSAs: Buying into the Community of Food
Photos provided by Danette "Dizzle" Rivera and Just Food. About a year ago, a friend of mine and I visited the Hollywood Farmers Market. I meandered around buying produce that caught my eye while ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Beyond Broccoli” by Susan Schenk
Nutrition is a great source of passion for me. It doesn’t take being a fitness coach, however, to get fired up about food. Like politics and religion, discussions regarding food are dangerously explosive. ... Continue Reading
Macronutrients Don’t Matter: Comparison of 4 Weight Loss Diets
The formula for weight loss is pretty simple: fewer calories consumed + more calories expended = loss of body weight (tissue). Simple to understand, but difficult to do. Difficult because: The ... Continue Reading
Fast Food – Does It Have to Be Unhealthy?
What if nutrition on the go was just as quick, easy, and inexpensive as fast food? Would it make a difference? We live in the twenty-first century, where fast food is a part of life and nutrition on the go ... Continue Reading
Does Creatine Actually Increase Your Power?
Athletes have been supplementing creatine monohydrate to improve exercise and strength performance for over twenty years. Creatine has been dubbed by many as a staple supplement since it is safe, natural, ... Continue Reading
Study Suggests Eating Blueberries May Prevent Exercise-Induced Muscle Soreness
If you have ever become sore after an intense exercise session, then you have probably experienced what is known as exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD). What happens is that for a short period of time ... Continue Reading
The Secret to Supplementation: It’s Not About The Supplements
With the exception of plyometrics I don’t think there is any other topic in training that is more widely misunderstood than supplementation. I get asked frequently what’s the best thing to take to become a ... Continue Reading
Down in the Dirt Series: Part 3 – A Local Farm And The City Slickers Who Run It
Photos provided by Danette "Dizzle" Rivera. I exited a concrete stretch of freeway that ribboned around a territory unfamiliar to me. I was in Moorpark, CA, only fifty minutes outside of Los ... Continue Reading
Black Pepper: More Than Just a Spice – It Fights Fat!
Next time you are seasoning your meal with some black pepper, you just may want to give that shaker a few more generous shakes. A recent study, published in ACS’ Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, ... Continue Reading