You might have seen the articles on this site debating some of the coaching styles you’ll find in CrossFit gyms. For a lot of reasons CrossFit has galvanized both fanatical support, and rabid opposition in ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Subtle Body” by Cyndi Dale
One of my favorite things about working in the health and fitness industry is learning about all the different approaches to wellness. For example, I've always been interested in the similarities and ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Next Organic Dark Chocolate Covered Snacks
Organic foods are important to me. I don’t really like putting chemicals in my body if I can help it, and since it’s sometimes unavoidable, I try to find an alternative when I can. Another thing that’s ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The 4 Habits of Healthy Families” by Amy Hendel
Having a healthy family isn't always as easy as it sounds. With hectic schedules and convenience food available practically on demand, it's easy to make excuses and let health become less of a priority ... Continue Reading
Product Review: OneFitWonder Kettlebells
These days kettlebells are a little easier to come by than they were years ago, but finding the right size, best quality, and the proper weight can still be a challenge. The name brand kettlebells can be ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Evolve Foods Protein Bar, Beef Jerky, and Beef Sticks
I recently had the opportunity to sample some products from a company called Well Food Co (formerly Evolve Foods). This is a small company out of California that produces high quality foods and supplements ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Primal Home Products
... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman
When I was 12, my seventh grade English teacher told me I was “cynical.” I didn’t even know what the word meant, but after I looked it up, I nodded and thought to myself that she was right. I tended to ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Body First Stevia Liquid Extract and Powder
In the world of non-sugar sweeteners stevia extract tends to be looked upon more favorably due its natural origins. Stevia rebaudiana is a plant native to South America and has been used as a sweetener by ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The RKC Book of Strength and Conditioning”
The RKC Book of Strength and Conditioning is comprised of a quick preface, 10 full programs, and 35 standalone workouts. Each of these programs and workouts is written by a different coach. If you love ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Self-Compassion Diet” by Jean Fain
Just like athletic training, a healthy diet has a huge mental component. What and how we eat is deeply connected to the way we view food and how we relate to it, although we may not always be conscious of ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Primal Life Organics
At this point, the paleo diet is relatively well-known. But what a lot of people might not have caught on to is the lifestyle aspect of the paleo movement. Much like veganism, which encompasses everything ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Convict Conditioning” by Paul Wade
While Paul Wade remains a secretive and elusive character, the techniques he divulges in Convict Conditioning are simple, effective, and obviously useful. Using progressions, you are shown how to work the ... Continue Reading
Product Review: WOD Toys – Barbell Mini and Kettle Kid
Teaching your children about the benefits of healthy eating habits and regular physical activity during childhood is great, but sometimes what kids really want is to join in and do what the grown ups are ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Science of Skinny” by Dee McCaffrey
I picked up The Science of Skinny: Start Understanding Your Body’s Chemistry, and Stop Dieting Forever by Dee McCaffrey at the suggestion of a friend who had started implementing the recommendations and ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Practical Paleo” by Diane Sanfilippo
For Christmas this year I bought my parents two books – one was the Paleo Comfort Foods cookbook and the other was Practical Paleo. I hesitate to call Practical Paleo simply a cookbook, because it provides ... Continue Reading
Product Review: The Diva Cup
I’ve always felt as though I should be exempt from having a menstrual period. I have the body of a small boy and therefore it didn’t seem fitting. Still, when I was about 13, my cycle began and I’ve had to ... Continue Reading
Product Review: The Soak Muscle Recovery Bath Crystals
If you find yourself taking frequent ice baths or spending a significant portion of your week soaking in Epsom salts, The Soak is for you. This bath soaking product combines three ingredients – magnesium ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Inside the Box” by TJ Murphy
Chances are even if you haven’t tried it, you’ve heard of it, and your reaction is a combination of interest and apprehension. It’s called CrossFit, and it is a fitness modality that in recent years has ... Continue Reading
Top 10 Health and Fitness Books of 2012
We reviewed over 50 books and DVDs over the last year, covering everything from Olympic lifting, to meditation, to paleo cooking. Here are the top ten most popular titles, counting down from number ... Continue Reading
Product Review: ithlete HRV Monitor
No pain, no gain. Right? I'd like to think most Breaking Muscle readers are already aware of the dangers of overtraining. There's no better way to be completely counterproductive to one's fitness goals, ... Continue Reading
Product Review: “Beautiful Badass” Program by Nia Shanks
Last week we reviewed Lift Like a Girl by Nia Shanks. I have to say that after going through this program, I was curious to see what more Nia had to offer in her second program, Beautiful Badass. The first ... Continue Reading
Peter’s Strength Training Holiday Wish List
EDITOR'S NOTE: Coach Peter is our resident nutrition expert, but he is also a big fan of strength training and Olympic weightlifting. His wish list is a great assortment of quality equipment any strength ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Switch” by Chip and Dan Heath
It’s that time of year again. The start of 2013 looms just around the corner, and with it comes the usual flood of New Year’s resolutions. We’ve all been here before, trying to kick start a new change for ... Continue Reading