Strength Wraps are a product created by Kelley Urbani specifically to support the practice of CrossFit. After years of practicing and coaching, Kelley found that one of her staple pieces of exercise ... Continue Reading
Search Results for: how to watch
Pushing the Envelope: How Each Generation Builds the BJJ Evolution
Photos provided by David Brown Photography. Last summer, I went to my college reunion and waxed nostalgic with a bunch of old friends about a significant time in my young adulthood. Many of the ... Continue Reading
Learning Sucks, But You Should Do It Anyway
When I was four years old I could read at a fourth grade level, but I couldn’t tie my shoes so they weren’t going to let me into kindergarten. I have a September birthday, so I was one of those kids doomed ... Continue Reading
Kettlebell Workout: Cycle 4, Week 10, Day 2
Welcome to the Kettlebell workout from coach Dini Leopoldo. Two new workouts are posted each week - on Tuesday and Thursday - and can be done on any day you have available. Make sure you warm up adequately ... Continue Reading
How Length of Round, Period, or Play Can Change a Sport
When you grow up with sports, either playing them or watching them, you never question some parts of the game. You think the game will never change, or more likely, you don’t think about the game in that ... Continue Reading
Para-Athlete Cleuton Nunes Attacks CrossFit Workout 13.2
Imagine you are 29 years old. Imagine you are the Taekwondo Pan American Champion. Imagine you are a happy dad, living life doing what you love. Now imagine you wake up and the world as you know it no ... Continue Reading
Kettlebell Workout: Cycle 4, Week 10, Day 1
Welcome to the Kettlebell workout from coach Dini Leopoldo. Two new workouts are posted each week - on Tuesday and Thursday - and can be done on any day you have available. Make sure you warm up adequately ... Continue Reading
Interview with Mature Athlete Bill Vick: How I’m Beating IPF Disease
At one point Bill Vick was the Vice President of sales for men’s stores at Gucci/Lavin, a Fortune 500 company. He then became an entrepreneur who launched a chain of successful computer stores and software ... Continue Reading
Awake & Evolve: Cycle 1 – Eliminating Negative Habits Meditation
The thought manifests as word; The word manifests as deed; The deed develops into habit; And habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care, And let it spring from ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Foundation One” and “Handstand One” by Christopher Sommer
Movement is cool. There’s no denying it. I’m sure we’ve all watched videos of parkour or capoeira guys and girls and sat amazed and wished we too could move like that. The problem is many of the skills and ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “Yoga Shakti” by Shiva Rea
Shiva Rea's DVD set is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to begin or improve their yoga practice at home. Yoga Shakti is a two-disc DVD set that provides over four hours of yoga sequences and ... Continue Reading
The Soundtrack of Life: 10 Songs to Grapple By
At Fifty/50 BJJ, where I train, students and instructors finish off a long week of training with, of course, more training. On Friday nights, we participate in “Marathon Roll,” which is 10 rounds of 5 ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Killer Bee Women’s Ligustica MK II Gi
I’ve always been a big fan of Killer Bee Gis Ligustica MK II. Because adult gis are often too big for me, I bought one of their children’s gis a few years ago and it quickly became one of my favorites. ... Continue Reading
Speed Racer: How to Get Faster at Running, Cycling, and Swimming
In a world slowly dying of boredom there are few real challenges left. Life is so safe. With no real predators to worry about, food and shelter so easy to find, and most activities taken care of with ... Continue Reading
Why and How to Combine Kettlebells and Sandbags (Includes 3 Workouts)
If there are two tools that seemed like they were naturally made to be used together it may be kettlebells and sandbags. It isn’t because they are “hardcore,” it isn’t because they are easy to transport, ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Strength Stack 52
The Strength Stack 52 is a card deck workout system developed by Sergeant Michael Volkin. According to his website, Sergeant Volkin has been busy developing workout plans for soldiers in Iraq. In fact, he ... Continue Reading
From Wrist Wraps to Richness: How Kelley Urbani Is Changing the World
The first time I met Kelley Urbani she scared the crap out of me. It was 2009 and I was a judge at the CrossFit Games SoCal Regionals. The first time I met Kelley Urbani she scared the crap out ... Continue Reading
Gender and Jiu Jitsu: Helping Men Understand Newbie Women
You may have noticed I’m on a kick about how we as grapplers can better understand each other: the perspectives we need to know about one another so we can hear and feel heard. You may have ... Continue Reading
Psychology of a Weightlifter: Dealing With Excessive Anxiety
We all have seen “Johnny Gymlifter” at some point. He is often very talented and loves to try the big ones in the training room, even though he is often weeks away from a contest and way out of sync with ... Continue Reading
Kettlebell Workout: Cycle 4, Week 8, Day 2
Welcome to the Kettlebell workout from coach Dini Leopoldo. Two new workouts are posted each week - on Tuesday and Thursday - and can be done on any day you have available. Make sure you warm up adequately ... Continue Reading
Mature Athlete: Cycle 3, Week 12, Day 2
The third cycle of the Mature Athlete workouts is another 12-week program with a variety of training options and modes. This cycle integrates challenge workouts to keep you competing with yourself. It ... Continue Reading
Athlete Journal: Julie Warren, Entry 11 – Validation
EDITOR'S NOTE: Along with Andrew Read and Narisa Wild, Julie Warren will be sharing her training experiences for upcoming endurance challenges. Follow Julie as she prepares for her next adventure - the ... Continue Reading
7 Articles For Sandbag Training Fans
Sandbag training uses instability to build strength and increase power. If you're curious about sandbag training, or just want to learn more, check out these articles written by expert sandbag trainers. ... Continue Reading
DVD & Book Review: “Raising the Bar” by Al Kavadlo
Working on a bar for fitness is a special thing when you think about it. Unlike a lot of floor exercises you are pretty much required to lift your entire weight, often with only your arms. That alone makes ... Continue Reading