Lifting straps are a great tool for people focusing on big lifts that require a lot of grip strength, like the deadlift. But like a lot of products with a simple design, straps haven’t changed much over ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Foundation One” and “Handstand One” by Christopher Sommer
Movement is cool. There’s no denying it. I’m sure we’ve all watched videos of parkour or capoeira guys and girls and sat amazed and wished we too could move like that. The problem is many of the skills and ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “Yoga Shakti” by Shiva Rea
Shiva Rea's DVD set is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to begin or improve their yoga practice at home. Yoga Shakti is a two-disc DVD set that provides over four hours of yoga sequences and ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Kill Cliff Recovery Drink
How Kill Cliff’s recovery drink got the name “The Tasty” is less mysterious than where the name “Kill Cliff” itself came from. Countless samplings around the country yielded one common description from ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Killer Bee Women’s Ligustica MK II Gi
I’ve always been a big fan of Killer Bee Gis Ligustica MK II. Because adult gis are often too big for me, I bought one of their children’s gis a few years ago and it quickly became one of my favorites. ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Strength Stack 52
The Strength Stack 52 is a card deck workout system developed by Sergeant Michael Volkin. According to his website, Sergeant Volkin has been busy developing workout plans for soldiers in Iraq. In fact, he ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Athlete’s Pocket Guide to Yoga” by Sage Rountree
At this point most athletes know that yoga can have dramatic benefits for performance. Regular yoga practice has been shown to improve muscular endurance, recovery, and strength. For example, a 2009 ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Q5 Amass Whey Premium Protein
I recently became a sponsored athlete of Q5 Combat, a company whose focus is in helping older athletes, like me, stay in the game with competitors half my age by offering clean, high quality products. One ... Continue Reading
DVD & Book Review: “Raising the Bar” by Al Kavadlo
Working on a bar for fitness is a special thing when you think about it. Unlike a lot of floor exercises you are pretty much required to lift your entire weight, often with only your arms. That alone makes ... Continue Reading
Product Review: The “Beautiful Badass Bodyweight Workout Guide” by Nia Shanks
As you've probably heard if you work in the fitness industry, bodyweight exercise is on the rise. For the first time ever, bodyweight workouts landed a spot on the ACSM's Annual Fitness Survey (the number ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Damage Control “Bubba Teeth” 3D Mouthguard
I was a bit of a tomboy growing up, always fighting with the boys and getting beat up nine times out of ten. One guy even hit me in the face with his book bag after school one day. As a result, I chipped ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “Extreme Strength! 12 Week Kettlebell Program” by Steve Cotter
If you’re a kettlebell enthusiast you probably already know Steve Cotter. A long-time martial artist and founder of the International Kettlebell and Fitness Federation, Steve has a lot of experience under ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Healing Kitchen” by Ellen Michaud
Our family has experienced food's ability to heal and restore health firsthand. A little over a year ago now, we did a thirty day paleo challenge. At the time our young family of four, which included me, ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Bauerfeind GenuTrain Soft Knee Brace
When you get injured participating in a sport you love, the time away from training is worse than the pain. I’m half the size of some of my training partners in Brazilian jiu jitsu so I sometimes feel a ... Continue Reading
Product Review: CrossRope Jump Rope System
Whether you come from a martial arts background, an endurance background, or you train in CrossFit, you’ve probably spent a lot of time with the jump rope. Back in my kickboxing days we used to play around ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Thrive: Finding Happiness the Blue Zones Way” by Dan Buettner
The pursuit of happiness is guaranteed under the Constitution, and we the people chase it with a vengeance: we work for the weekend, we read self-help books, we take antidepressants and undergo therapy. ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Sport Journals WODbooks
You might have seen the articles on this site debating some of the coaching styles you’ll find in CrossFit gyms. For a lot of reasons CrossFit has galvanized both fanatical support, and rabid opposition in ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Subtle Body” by Cyndi Dale
One of my favorite things about working in the health and fitness industry is learning about all the different approaches to wellness. For example, I've always been interested in the similarities and ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Next Organic Dark Chocolate Covered Snacks
Organic foods are important to me. I don’t really like putting chemicals in my body if I can help it, and since it’s sometimes unavoidable, I try to find an alternative when I can. Another thing that’s ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The 4 Habits of Healthy Families” by Amy Hendel
Having a healthy family isn't always as easy as it sounds. With hectic schedules and convenience food available practically on demand, it's easy to make excuses and let health become less of a priority ... Continue Reading
Product Review: OneFitWonder Kettlebells
These days kettlebells are a little easier to come by than they were years ago, but finding the right size, best quality, and the proper weight can still be a challenge. The name brand kettlebells can be ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Evolve Foods Protein Bar, Beef Jerky, and Beef Sticks
I recently had the opportunity to sample some products from a company called Well Food Co (formerly Evolve Foods). This is a small company out of California that produces high quality foods and supplements ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Primal Home Products
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Book Review: “Way of the Peaceful Warrior” by Dan Millman
When I was 12, my seventh grade English teacher told me I was “cynical.” I didn’t even know what the word meant, but after I looked it up, I nodded and thought to myself that she was right. I tended to ... Continue Reading