Finding your way through the endless aisles of fitness gear can be exhausting. Save your energy for your workout and check out these products we've reviewed. From earphones, to compression gear, to hand ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Skout Trailbar
You can’t argue with authenticity. Authentic people, products, and brands are always a tier above their less-than-genuine counterparts. Skout Natural Foods not only nailed it with their rugged, Northwest ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout” by Keith Weber
“Everyone has an athlete within them just waiting to be unleashed.” So begins physical therapist and RKC Keith Weber's workout DVD, The Extreme Kettlebell Cardio Workout. If I find myself dragging, all I ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Cardio Core 4×4” by Jay Cardiello
The coach in me realizes there are all different types of learners out there. So, my initial concerns about working out by way of a book are put to bed with the idea that turning the pages of a quality ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Conscious Box
One of the highlights of my week is seeing what’s in my CSA box, but I have to admit that Conscious Box is even more exciting. Can you imagine having a little box full of sustainable products – from food ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Joebar by Cocomo Joe
As long as I am exposed to incredible products and brands like Cocomo Joe, I’ll continue to have the world’s best job. As a consumer, I’ve seen Joe Bars around more and more of the places I frequent, such ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: Alisa Wyatt Intermediate and Advanced Pilates Mat Workouts
If you’re a Pilates purist, I feel confident in saying you will enjoy Alisa Wyatt’s Pilates workouts. I’ve tried the Intermediate and Advanced level workouts, and both were excellent. The Advanced workout ... Continue Reading
31 Twitter Accounts That Will Make You Stronger
They say that you are most likely to be shaped and influenced by the people you spend the most time with. I've always been acutely aware of this and have gone as far as making career decisions based solely ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “The Fighter’s Mind: Inside the Mental Game” by Sam Sheridan
Realistically, the vast majority of us will never enter a cage to face off against someone with a menacing nickname, a six-pack, and an unsettling game face, attempting to inflict bodily harm before it is ... Continue Reading
Product Review: New Balance Performance Duffel
It’s odd, given that I’ve made a career out of fitness, that I’ve never really bought into the idea of using a gym bag. Maybe that’s a weird thing to evaluate, but when I received my first official gym bag ... Continue Reading
Product Review: SFH Recovery Whey Protein
When it comes to supplements it's nice to see no-nonsense companies that just put out good quality products. Stronger Faster Healthier is one of these companies, in my opinion. You may have read my ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning With Kettlebells, Volume 3” by Lauren Brooks
“Welcome to the Ultimate Body Sculpt, Volume 3. My name is Lauren Brooks, and this DVD is not designed for the beginner.” Lauren makes it clear from the start that The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning ... Continue Reading
Last Minute Summer Reading List for Fitness Geeks
Looking for a way to beat the summer heat and also expand your training knowledge? Exercise your mind with these fitness books, read and reviewed by Breaking Muscle experts. We've covered books on a wide ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “Burn With Kearns: MMA Strength & Conditioning” by Kevin Kearns
Is there a more natural training modality that fighting? I’d argue that running and fighting are the closest modern training methods to what’s truly engrained in our DNA. With that comes an incredible ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Convict Conditioning 2” by Paul Wade
Who would have thought prisons would be the last bastions of true fitness? This is the idea put forth by Paul Wade in his books Convict Conditioning and Convict Conditioning 2. Wade’s story is a unique ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning With Kettlebells, Volume 2” by Lauren Brooks
I don’t usually like sequels, but Lauren Brooks’ second kettlebell DVD is an exception to the rule. Like the first volume of her three-part DVD series, The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning With ... Continue Reading
Healthy Eating On The Go: 8 Snacks to Try
Life gets crazy sometimes, and it's easy to compromise a good diet with unhealthy snacking habits. Here are eight healthy snacks to keep you going when life gets hectic. Some of them are even gluten-free ... Continue Reading
Product Review: The Liberty Bell
What appears to be a giant mushroom of iron, the LibertyBell, is a training tool with novel design and “old school” strength training application. At first glance, even the most experienced trainers and ... Continue Reading
The Science Behind the “Science Behind Sweat”
Workout logging sites come and go. In my case, they mostly go. Either the logging wants you to follow a "GET RIPPED" tabloid routine, or the logging does nothing but, well, log my workout. Software should ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Arm Bar Soap
It was a sad day when I realized that being told by my live-in girlfriend that I, my head, our bedroom, my side of the bed, the laundry room, and our apartment in general “smelled like my gi” was not a ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “The Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells, Volume 1” by Lauren Brooks
After having done Lauren Brooks’ 3-part Ultimate Body Sculpt and Conditioning with Kettlebells DVD series for several months now, I’m still not sick of them. I would highly recommend the series for anyone ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “RUSHFIT” Home Fitness Program from Georges St-Pierre
There’s just something about seeing a champion fighter perform consecutive perfect hollow body push ups while spinning 360 degrees in the air that makes you want to watch his DVD training system. That’s ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Sandbag Training for MMA & Combat Sports” by Matthew Palfrey & Wesley Murch
My initial thought prior to reading Sandbag Training for MMA & Combat Sports was “Here we go again, 194 pages of complicated, rehashed stuff from the past that is nothing new and probably impractical ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Rise Bar – Protein+ Bar
Rise Bars are best purchased one at a time. That was the lesson I learned when I was sent two cases of these little gems to try for this review. After I tore into my first Rise Bar, I felt like a little ... Continue Reading