EDITOR'S NOTE: We know how hard it is to gift shop, so we thought we would help you out with ideas. Coach Vanessa Bennington has a few gift ideas for all the active women out there - or anyone shopping for ... Continue Reading
Orion Lee’s Muay Thai Holiday Wish List
EDITOR'S NOTE: We know how hard it is to gift shop, so we thought we would help you out with ideas. Muay Thai coach Orion Lee shares his gift ideas for the martial artists in your life. ... Continue Reading
Sally Arsenault’s MMA Holiday Wish List
EDITOR'S NOTE: We know how hard it is to gift shop, so we thought we would help you out with ideas. Sally's Arsenault's list is a perfect resource for the special MMA fighter in your life. Sally ... Continue Reading
The 2013 List of Best Stocking Stuffers for the Athlete
Shopping for an athlete can be a challenge. You can't buy them candy; if they're serious, then they've already bought a lot of things for themselves; and most of them probably don't find office supplies as ... Continue Reading
Product Review: BlenderBottle ProStak
BlenderBottle is a company you’ve heard about before right here on Breaking Muscle. They produce travel and transport solutions for all your sports nutrition needs. Whether it's pills, powders, or drinks, ... Continue Reading
More Protein Isn’t Always Better
Protein powder is probably the most common supplement for athletes, along with perhaps a multivitamin. As a result, the protein supplement industry has grown dramatically in the last few decades, and now ... Continue Reading
Tech Review: Impetus Interval Timer App
With the wealth of preset timers loaded into the Impetus Interval Timer app, it’s easy to use for yourself and while teaching classes right from installation. Custom music and tone volume levels add to the ... Continue Reading
The Best Paleo Cookbooks 2013: Which Ones to Buy and Why
Given that I review a lot of cookbooks, I also get a lot of questions as to which ones I would recommend and for what reasons. Reading through the many reviews I’ve done over the last couple years would ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Phalanx Fight Company “The Alloy” Women’s Rashguard
If you’ve seen the movie Troy with Brad Pitt, you’ve seen a phalanx formation. Phalanx Fight Company explains why it chose this name on the company website. "Many spear-armed warriors with overlapping ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Nikki’s Coconut Butter
You don’t have to be a paleo eater to know that coconut products are good for you. Coconut is high in fiber and in saturated fat, which is the good fat we’re all after. Specifically, coconut is full of ... Continue Reading
Product Review: VentureHeat Portable Back Heat Therapy Wrap
I know a lot of people who use heating pads to alleviate aches and pains, especially back pain. There’s nothing quite like the soothing application of heat on a sore muscle. But often, heating wraps are ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Six Pack Fitness Executive 500 Briefcase
Thanks to jury duty I was able to put my new Six Pack Fitness Executive 500 Briefcase to a thorough test this past week. I don’t know about you guys, but I pretty much never leave the house without packing ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Grip4orce
Grip strength is an important tool in the arsenal of any physical culturist. Just as a strong handshake a mark of confidence and power, grip strength has also been proven in science as an indicator of ... Continue Reading
Tech Review: Fooducate App
Curious about GMOs or other terms on a box at the grocery store? The goal of the app Fooducate is to allow the user to quickly reference and compare foods. You can search with a barcode scan or search ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Submission Fight Co. Women’s Ecstasy Gi
Update: Since I originally wrote my review for the Hemp Ecstasy gi, it has been widely publicized in the BJJ community that the fabric used in this gi is actually a polyester and cotton mix. For more ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Paleo Happy Hour” by Kelly Milton
As a foodie and a mostly-paleo eater, I love that the world of paleo cookbooks is constantly expanding. I might be a geek, but I love to sit down and read a new cookbook. (Okay, I am a geek, but you’d ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Neogenis BeetElite NeoShot
The importance of nitric oxide (NO) in biological processes was discovered fairly recently. In fact, the discovery of many of its functions in the body ultimately led to a Nobel Prize, which gives some ... Continue Reading
Product Review: Gameness Female Top Dog Rashguard
There are so many BJJ and MMA gear companies to choose from now it’s hard to keep up with them all. Gameness has been around since 1998 but I had never tried their products until I received the Female Top ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Paleo Cooking From Elana’s Pantry” by Elana Amsterdam
Paleo Cooking From Elana’s Pantry is the third cookbook from one of the original grain-free bloggers, Elana Amsterdam. Elana began her blog in 2006 after experimenting with both a grain-free diet and the ... Continue Reading
Product Review: About Time Ve Vegan Protein Formula
Protein supplements are a staple item for most athletes. We all know it can be difficult to eat as shortly after a workout as we’d like, or to get as much protein as we need in a day. And for any athlete ... Continue Reading
Tech Review: Sonos Play:1
Playing music during a fitness class is a necessity for many people. Keeping a group moving, pedaling, or asana-ing away in enthusiasm takes the skill of an instructor and good tunes to set the mood. The ... Continue Reading
DVD Review: “Yoga for Energy and Stress Relief” by Rodney Yee
The title of Rodney Yee’s DVD Yoga for Energy and Stress Relief is not deceptive. Don’t buy this DVD if you’re looking for a rigorous yoga workout or want to sweat a lot. But if you tend to feel tension ... Continue Reading
Product Review: APS Complete 100% Grass Fed Whey Protein and PreCharge
Whey protein and pre-workout beverages are staples in the athletic community. Whey protein is one of the best – if not the best – sources of protein around, and the powdered form makes it very convenient. ... Continue Reading
Book Review: “Well Fed 2” by Melissa Joulwan
I won’t lie. I was anxiously awaiting my review copy of Well Fed 2 by Melissa Joulwan. I reviewed Melissa’s first cookbook, Well Fed, a while back and it quickly became one of my favorites. There were many ... Continue Reading