So you think you know CrossFit, eh? Do you know the history of the games and how it all started on Dave Castro's family farm in Northern California? Here's a brief history of the CrossFit Games that will ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Games 2014 Workout Analysis: Team Workouts
In order to help you all join in this annual celebration of CrossFit, we are analyizing the WODs and giving tips on how to approach them. We'll be issuing a challenge or two, as well! Today we bring you ... Continue Reading
6 Practical Tips for Prioritizing Quality in CrossFit
So you have been doing CrossFit for some time now, and you have made noticeable gains in your fitness. That is great! Now, you should take some time to stop what you are doing and reflect on how incredible ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Games 2014 Workout Analysis: Masters Workouts
The 2014 CrossFit Games began yesterday and we're keeping a close eye on the competition - including our own Patrick McCarty. Patrick is competing in the Games as a masters athlete for the third ... Continue Reading
Multilevel Marketing Supplements and CrossFit
CrossFit affiliates are a multilevel marketing (MLM) dream come true. They already own a business, they have a ready supply of potential customers, and a preexisting revenue stream. The opposite is not ... Continue Reading
What Is “Group Personal Training” and Does It Work?
When people ask me if I am still personal training, I tell them I am not. The connotation of the term personal trainer is that it’s, well, personal, which people typically take to mean one-on-one. What I ... Continue Reading
CrossFit Is a Great Thing, But Not the Only Thing
“The guitar’s alright John, but you’ll never earn your living by it.” - Mimi Smith, John Lennon’s aunt New ideas have a way of polarizing people. From the dawn of time, human nature has dictated ... Continue Reading
The 3 Best and 3 Worst CrossFit Workouts
Some CrossFit WODS are designed and some are slapped together. One of the cool things about CrossFit is that you can put together any two or three movements, and call it a WOD. After all, “constantly ... Continue Reading
Make an Impact With These Top Eco-Friendly Fitness Clothes
With the growth of the fitness industry - especially with the growth of CrossFit, yoga, parkour, Olympic lifting, and even aerial training - comes growth in the fashion industry. There is a large market ... Continue Reading
When CrossFit Coaches Leave: Backstabbing or Dream Chasing?
There is a unique tension in the world of CrossFit. The glee with which CrossFitters talk about growth versus the backstabbing, disloyal coaches that leave you to start their own affiliates. A Tale of ... Continue Reading
Why Do We Train? Finding Purpose in Movement
Every now and then in a fitness program you have to stop what you are doing and think, "What am I really training for anyway?" Are you registered for an upcoming competition of some sort (CrossFit, ... Continue Reading
5 Athletes to Watch in CrossFit and the NPFL
There was a time when Lindsey Valenzuela was not a household name in the world of functional fitness. Now, she dominates both CrossFit and the NPFL (not to mention the world of weightlifting where she ... Continue Reading
How to Win in the Age of CrossFit Proliferation
We have entered the Groupon age. CrossFit, once the underground rave of serious fitness enthusiasts, military, police, and fire, has come to the masses. The house fraus have come out to play with the ... Continue Reading
Take Nothing for Granted: 9/11, CrossFit, and Breath
The importance of breathing need hardly be stressed. It provides the oxygen for the metabolic processes; literally it supports the fires of life. But breath as "pneuma" is also the spirit or soul. We live ... Continue Reading
Why the CrossFit Hopper Model Is Broken
Over the past few years CrossFit’s popularity has skyrocketed, and today there are new gyms opening up on every corner. Unfortunately, the fate of the untrained athlete entering these programs is not good, ... Continue Reading
STFU and Get to Work: Why You Didn’t Make the CrossFit Games
I never pass up a good Rocky reference. The film: Rocky III. The scene: Rocky has agreed to fight Clubber Lang, played masterfully by a young Mr. T. Rocky, knee deep in his own celebrity, is more concerned ... Continue Reading
Cheryl Brost: On Becoming a Professional Athlete
Cheryl Brost is a three-time CrossFit Games competitor, a former two-time collegiate soccer national champion, official spokesperson for LivOnLabs, a mother of two, and she’s stronger than most women half ... Continue Reading
How to Prevent CrossFit Injuries: A Guide for Coaches and Athletes
If you’ve ever experienced an injury, you know it can be emotionally devastating. You think the world is ending and you feel claustrophobic in a body that no longer performs in a way you’ve come to expect. ... Continue Reading
The Unstoppable Passion of CrossFitters and Triathletes
Everyone who reads Breaking Muscle is serious about their fitness. There's no question about that. But both CrossFitters and triathletes are special breeds. There's an intensity among even amateur athletes ... Continue Reading
It’s Not CrossFit’s Fault, It’s the Reinforcement System, Part II
In the first article of this series, we discussed how reinforcement plays a role in an athlete’s motivation. Specifically, reward systems using 1) the number of reps or 2) completing a long workout for ... Continue Reading
The Right and Wrong Way to Welcome Visitors to a CrossFit Gym
There is a fairly old Christian-radio song by Chris Rice called Face of Christ. Leaning toward sappy, it is a song hewn in the spirit of the best country-radio storyteller style, the gist of which is that ... Continue Reading
The 4 Most Helpful Types of CrossFit Athlete
CrossFit’s mantra is “be better than yesterday” and there are a few specific members at your box that will help you achieve that goal. CrossFit is an individual sport, but with a community aspect, so you ... Continue Reading
The Safety of CrossFit From a Physical Therapy Viewpoint
It happens a lot in the clinic where I work. It happened yesterday, in fact. We rehab a high volume of athletes and a decent active adult population, so it makes sense. To them, we’re the authorities on ... Continue Reading
Masters Athletes and the Muscle Up Hullabaloo
So, you want to compete at the CrossFit Games? Or at regionals, for that matter? Then you’d better damn well be able to do muscle ups. This last week when the Masters Qualifier workouts were ... Continue Reading